Room recyclables waste collectors
What do you think: How often have patients been annoyed by the fact that there is only one waste bin for all recyclables in their hospital room? Those who have an understanding for the correct separation of recyclable materials and think sustainably should also be supported in their actions.
Give your patients and residents the opportunity to separate waste and act environmentally conscious.
With novocal’s room waste collectors this can be done effortlessly.
Room recyclables collectors consolidate green action
Achieve great things with small steps: Those who already create a possibility to separate recyclable materials correctly and clearly with room recyclables collectors in the rooms of patients and residents, guarantee a further smooth recyclable material cycle inside and outside the house.
This cycle is enormously important for employees, patients and the environment. The Robert Koch Institute provides an enforcement aid with recommendations and guidelines on how to classify and dispose of waste. In addition to infectious waste, this also includes ordinary waste such as paper, plastic or biological recyclables. However, the usual recyclable materials should also enter a well-thought-out recycling cycle on the right path.
Anyone who uses room recyclables collectors offers

a clean environment for patients,

a safe working environment for employees and

contributes actively to environmental protection.
Characteristics of room recyclables collectors
The room recyclables collectors are extremely handy and space-saving due to the selected design. The 15-litre plastic containers are placed in a stainless steel chassis. They are white and can be individualised and structured with coloured labels. The recyclables stickers are available in two different sizes.
Four swivel castors with a diameter of 30 mm guarantee easy and effortless movement of the room recyclables collectors.
All room recyclables collectors at a glance
Please note: the models shown are only examples of our extensive range and can be configured according to your wishes at any time.

Stickers for room recyclables collector
sizes: small/large
Breadth x Height in mm
120 x 40 (small)
130 x 130 (large)
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